College Matriculation List
See where the class of 2020 is going next year! Amherst College – 1Arizona State University – Barrett Honors College – 1Bates College – 1Bellarmine University – 1Boston College – 5Boston University – 2Bowdoin College – 2Brown University – 3Bucknell […]
Harvard discrimination lawsuit generates debate
Sejin Park ’20Justin Chen ’20 As of recently, Harvard has been challenged and brought to court due to what many see as its discriminatory selection process, particularly pertaining to Asian-American applicants. This effort has been primarily led by Edward Blum. […]

An inside look: inconsistent EA diversity statistics
Molly Limaye ’21, Madison Hanssens ’21, Kristen Weil ’21: Diversity, while thought of as highly important by many in the EA community, is not always reported accurately on our website and it really should be. After examining the EA website and speaking […]

Department of Artists Showcases Faculty Talent
Anjali Bose ‘20: Department of Artists, an exhibition of works by EA faculty members, is currently on display in the Crawford Campus Center Gallery and will remain there through October 5th. The current gallery at Episcopal “showcases the work of EA […]

Middle School athletes playing on varsity teams
Lola Quigley ’20: While varsity athletes at Episcopal are typically in high school, in some cases, middle school students in eighth grade have the opportunity to participate in varsity athletics. Gina Buggy, Director of Athletics, referred to Gerald Henderson ‘06 when […]

Chicago production leaves audiences in awe
Alyssa Sheffy ’19, Drew Landaiche ’19: Chicago, performed at EA in April, left audiences in awe. Helena Bryant ‘17 and Brynn Doyle ‘18 starred in the musical as the leading female roles while Greg Smith ‘17 and Ryan Schiller ‘17 played […]

New Clubs Coming to EA
Dunwoody Music Performance: The Dunwoody Music Performance Club is a club that sponsors two semiannual music performances at Dunwoody Village, a retirement center in Newtown Square. his club seeks to provide EA students with the opportunity to showcase their musical […]

An inside look: EA’s teacher hiring process
Annie Rau ’19: Due to the 27 available job positions that the 2017-18 school year will bring, there is now a pressing need to locate multiple potential faculty members. While this number may seem abnormally large, it is in fact quite […]

Grade Inflation: Do the numbers lie?
Phoebe Barr ’19: “Grade Inflation,” the idea that students today earn higher grades than students of previous decades, has been causing increasing worry at many school across the nation. According to a study done by the National Center for Education Statistics, […]