Sarah Keffer ’17: Since the age of three, Ben Glidden ‘16 has developed into a talented goalie as well as a leader on the ice. Glidden noted he originally became interested in ice hockey as a result of his dad saying, “My dad played hockey and wanted me to try it out. I had a lot of fun and wanted to keep playing.” As Glidden got older he tried a new position, goalie. “When I first started, I didn’t play goalie,” he remarked. “But that’s because the youngest kids don’t play with one. I was defensive-minded though, and once I got the chance to get in net I wanted to and figured it would be fun. It was.” As in any sport, goalie has a crucial role on the team. Assistant Ice Hockey Coach, Steven Schuh, maintained this idea, explaining, “The success of any hockey team almost always starts in the net. Glidden provides a strong back stop for us, so we’re able to keep the puck out of the net, which is important.”

SURVEYING THE LAND: Ben Glidden '16 looks out across the ice and organizes the Episcopal defense, preparing himself to save the incoming shot. Photo courtesy of John Halcovich '18
SURVEYING THE LAND: Ben Glidden ’16 looks out across the ice and organizes the Episcopal defense, preparing himself to save the incoming shot.
Photo courtesy of John Halcovich ’18

Schuh also mentioned that, “Ben is a very good goalie,” and that his skill combined with his work ethic makes him a valuable leader on the team. Schuh continued by emphasizing, “He works very hard. He’s not a loud guy, but he really leads by example. He keeps his cool out on the ice when things are getting heated, and he’s a good example, particularly for the younger players, in maintaining focus on the important parts of the game.” Fellow hockey player Bobby Gibson ‘17 agreed with Schuh and added, “No matter practice or a game, he’s always bringing positive energy. He’s always on task and makes sure everyone’s in line.”

When asked about his goals for the rest of the season, Glidden simply stated, “To win the league and to beat Haverford.” He also mentioned that one of his most memorable games was the first time he played Haverford during his eighth grade year. “I was playing up on varsity and going into the game I knew we were both really good teams, and it was gonna be a competitive game.” He went on recounting that, “It was really back and forth, but they ended up winning by scoring on a penalty shot with 23 seconds left. It was my favorite game because we had a great fan section and it was just really good quality hockey.”

This year Glidden is hoping to beat the Fords and win the Inter-Ac.  He is confident that this can be done because, “We have a lot of talent on the team, and if our younger players step up like I know they can we should have no problem achieving both of these goals.” Schuh agreed with Glidden. He noted, “We are deeper than we have been in years past. So I expect that we’ll win a lot of games and be in contention for the league title.” There is no doubt that Glidden will be a critical member on the ice hockey team this season and will be an important part of the team’s attempts to achieve its goals.