If that title sounds familiar, it is. It was the critical room in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining, and Room 237 the film explores everything that film has to offer. While this films purpose is to explore everything I naturally do in these reviews, but some of the theories this film creates are mind blowing. Without spoiling much, just imagine the carpet Danny plays on as a rocket launch pad, and he travels 237.000 miles to room 237 in order to land his Apollo 11 sweater on the moon. It is so complex and mind-bending you will immediately want to watch The Shining and try and pick up on everything it has to offer.

This film also explores to dense and complex nature of film. A film like this could be made for any Kubrick film, along with probably David Lynch, and many other filmakers. They have much more to say than what is just presented on the surface, and any good filmmaker can keep there film entertaining while telling us an unlimited amount of stories. I wish every film would come with a film like this, one that we see after we have seen and interpreted ourselves, but comes with answers to questions that keep us up at night (or maybe just me). Or maybe everything I’m saying is wrong and you hate it your first watch and never want to see it again. Either way I highly recommend you watch this film. Thanks for reading and make sure to come back next week for another installation of Jackson’s obscure film of the week.