Jack Keffer ’14: Even though it may not seem like it, spring is rapidly approaching. For the Seniors, this means that it is our last chance to do anything we have not already completed before we graduate. This “to do list” of sorts may vary for each student, but after fourteen years here, I decided to create my own “All EA Bucket List” of everything I believe you should attempt to do during your time at Episcopal. Enjoy!

• Beat Agnes Iwin/Haverford

• Give a Senior Speech

• Have Mr. Kerwin sing to you

• Ask Mrs. Edwards (Ms. Dunphy) to Prom

• Slip and slide on the green

• Sled on campus on a cafeteria tray

• Run Michelle’s Miles

• Win an Inter-Ac title

• Get an A on a Dr. Goebeler test

• Get a fist bump from Rev Squire

• Sing to a girl for your Dora Khyatt performance

• Start a Thunderdome chant

• Win Spirit Week

• Participate in the Wing Bowl

• Go to the actual Wing Bowl

• Dunk

• Get the Keffdaddy sandwich at the deli (order consists of chicken cutlet, cheese, lettuce, hot sauce, and ranch)

• Arm wrestle with Steve Mussachio

• Do yoga with Mr. O’Brien

• Do the play

• Run for Student Council/Vestry

• Get a late note from Mr. Siegel

• Win the 3v3 basketball tournament

• Successfully have a sarcastic conversation with Mr. Willis AND Mr. McCreary

• Flash mob in the library

• Start a congo line with more than 40 people during class

• Participate in the EA/HAV/AIS Day video

• Beat the bust of Ham Clark in a staring contest

• Avoid getting a write up from Sra. Yaros all year

• Ask Mr. Dilworth “Where the Wild Things Are”

• Pull off a great senior prank

• Beat Mr. Bryant in heads up poker

• Do woodshop with Hammerin’ Hank

• Be on a first name basis with Matt Memmo

• Get a crazy haircut for EA/HAV Day

• Write a Scholium article