Morgan Bramwell ‘21

Esse Quam Videri (EQV) is comprised of students who are deemed to “most embody the stripes” and are in charge of orienting the Freshmen class as well as other activities that enhance their first year of highschool. However, despite the significance of the club’s mission, Episcopal students are left wondering what they actually do. Vince Vento ‘21 shares, “I think EQV is a cool idea, but I also don’t really know what they [EQV] do besides seminars for freshman and freshman orientation.” 

Meeting Time: EQV makes its final preparations for a rising freshman event.
Photo courtesy of Eliza Aldridge

  “Part of our job is to help introduce the Freshmen and the rising Freshmen class to the expectation and challenges of the Academy,” comments Aiden Chavis ‘21 on the goals of EQV. The adjustment to Upper School can be difficult, and to assist the freshmen, Chavis states, “we try to provide them with an example and the resource of our experiences in the Upper School.” As EQV works more with the younger grades in Upper School, many upperclassmen are unfamiliar with its purpose. 

Anjali Malickel Ramakrishan ‘24 provides insight on the role EQV has played in her freshman seminar class, explaining, “Jill McEntee is the EQV representative in my class and she definitely helps the environment feel more welcoming and contributes to discussions.”

However, this Freshman-only function of the EQV is temporary, and the future will allow for greater involvement for EQV within the student body. Peter Lim ‘21, another member of EQV, elaborates on the future of EQV, “especially this year the freshman transition is our biggest focus. Next year, EQV is helping run something called “Sophomore Seminar” which will extend their role to more of the Upper School.”

Another issue for EQV and its place into the EA community is how it fits in the group of student-elected groups such as Student Council and Vestry. Vento comments, “I think that in a sense EQV is unique to EA and provides something beneficial, but it doesn’t really contribute to all of the school in the same way Student Council or Vestry does.” The process to become a member of EQV is very different from that to get on Student Council or Vestry. After being voted by their teachers and peers, EQV nominees have to undergo a written process and interview.

Some members of EQV who also participate  in Student Council and Vestry are able to comment on their experience in both groups and how they view the respective impacts and involvement levels. Eliza Aldridge ‘21, for instance, is both a member of EQV and President of Student Council and describes her experience on the two clubs, noting “while EQV and Student Council are two Upper School leadership groups, they definitely have different functions and goals. Student Council, which includes members from all grades, focuses on advocating for their class and planning events to celebrate different occasions.” This year, Student Council’s events included Spirit Week, a Movie Night, Candy Grams, and an Easter Egg Hunt. 

Contrasting Student Council’s representation and involvement of the entire Upper School, Aldridge describes the work of EQV to help the III Form, saying, “EQV, particularly this year considering the nature of which the freshmen class entered the upper school, tried to create unity between the classes (we all attended Freshman seminar classes, held freshman orientation, and are now holding some events for the incoming freshmen).” 

Aldridge summarizes, “There are definitely similarities in the two organizations. However, we haven’t really gotten the opportunity to work together on something.”

Bo Aldridge ‘21, a member of EQV and Senior Warden of Vestry, offers his perspective, “I personally find that since Vestry and EQV tend to pursue different goals, there isn’t a lot of overlap between the two, other than the fact that both groups focus a lot on upholding the stripes. Vestry tends to do so by incorporating our values into our services, EQV by addressing the importance of the stripes in freshman seminars and events.”