Isabel Rozes ‘24

An in-person, combined junior-senior prom will be held outside on the center green between the academic buildings on Thursday, June 10, 2021; the scheduled rain date will be Friday, June 11. In previous years, excluding 2020 when prom was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EA’s prom was held at various special event venues, including the Camden Adventure Aquarium, the Please Touch Museum, and the National Constitution Center.  

PICTURESQUE PROM: Students line up on the center green for a group prom photo.
Photo courtesy of EA

Zachary Richards, Form Dean of the Class of 2021, explains that plans to hold this year’s prom at the National Constitution Center were abandoned because of Philadelphia’s COVID-19 restrictions and to avoid the risk that “they might change things and have us limit capacity or not be able to do it at all.”  Richards says that, with this in mind, it was decided to concentrate all efforts on organizing a safe event on EA’s campus. 

The prom, like all events and reopenings Episcopal has hosted, will be structured to comply with local, state, and federal health guidelines and the mitigation strategies from the CHOP PolicyLab, including attendees being tested and wearing masks. “Guidelines are constantly evolving, so we are paying close attention to that. At a minimum, students are going to be tested multiple times leading up to prom and also leading up to graduation, which is slated for two days before prom on June 8th,” explains Richards. 

Testing will be required for attendees and guests. Michael Letts, the Head of Upper School, confirms that “we are allowing outside dates, including sophomores from EA.  We never allow freshmen either from EA or other schools but sophomores are certainly welcome.”

Laura Hurst, EA’s Director of Health Services, is finalizing the test dates for EA students and coordinating testing for guests from other schools. Richards emphasizes that current health professionals and guidelines require everyone attending, even those who are vaccinated, to complete testing protocols.

A new prom committee comprised of seniors has been formed to assist with the event planning. Richards explains he has been working with the committee, and they will “work with our operations team on campus and a group of parents to have all hands on deck and try to pull off this really crazy event.” 

The prom committee is comprised of members of the class of 2021: Mary Cipperman, Jimmy Bruder, Sofia Acosta, Ava Petillo, Ally Wilchusky, Aiden Chavis, Anya Kohli, Declan Brown, Maiah Islam, Veronica Garrubbo, and Lindsey Demyun. Letts mentions, “We wanted to allow the seniors to help in the planning because they did not get a prom last year and it is obviously their last kind of event. We wanted them to give us an idea of what they would like to do, from a theme standpoint, decorations, food, and DJ.”

Bruder explains that the committee’s job is to help organize prom and “create an experience and environment that is simple yet meaningful and memorable.”  He elaborates, “The theme is really to appreciate and enjoy each other and the privileges we have had to be on campus together this year. We have decided to use the natural beauty of the campus to make the night special.” 

Social distancing measures currently allow for food, drinks, dancing and a DJ. Along with all guests being required to test negative and wear masks, many people will also be vaccinated by prom. In combination with the outdoor setting, these measures will all reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread, according to Richards.

Junior and senior students approve of the current plan. Maddy Mitchell ‘22 thinks that for the juniors, prom “will be that ice breaker that allows everyone to have a great time with new people and to recognize that we only have one year left.” She continues, “Something like prom can bring us together during a time that requires us to stay apart and isolated. The school has done a great job trying to make prom as normal as possible, and I am very, very excited.” 

Jack Christian ‘21 notes that with the prom being later this year and after graduation, he is most looking forward to “having a stress free event and no one having to worry about homework or anything due the next day. It will just be a lot of fun.”  Bruder agrees: “I am looking forward to being together as a class and enjoying ourselves together one final time.  It is an experience many of us have never had before, so I am looking forward to it.”

Letts summarizes, “I am excited that they get to enjoy themselves, to be kids, to be high school kids and enjoy each other’s company and just have some fun.”