Celia Gallagher ‘21 | Ella Sundstrom ‘21

GOING FOR GOLD:  McEntee and teammates celebrate after breaking EA’s 4 by 800 record with a time of 9:43.33 at the PA State Championship.
Photo courtesy of John Goens

“Whenever the girls put on the uniform and compete, they have Jill as the tip of the spear and I couldn’t be happier,” Coach John Goens can not hold back a smile as he describes the power that tri-sport athlete and February’s Girls Athlete of the Month Jill McEntee ‘21 brings to the track team.

McEntee started running winter track in 7th grade, and described the difference between middle school and high school winter track as a “good transition,” since in high school, “you can actually run indoor meets.” As cross country, winter track, and spring track captain, McEntee sees acting as a motivator as her most important role on the team, especially because of the cold winter weather. McEntee works to “keep everyone in good spirits, especially this year with all of the craziness going on.” 

McEntee’s favorite memory of winter track was at states last year running and medaling in a relay with Ali McHugh ‘20, Devon Whitaker ‘20, and Casey Kinniry ‘20 at Penn State. She explains, “it was awesome because that year everything was getting crazy and that was right before we got out of school, so it was a last punch for the indoor track season.” 

Not only is McEntee a captain this year and a top runner, she also was awarded the Mind Body and Spirit Prize last year. Coach Goens says of the award “Mind, body, spirit – whenever you say that here at Episcopal, there is an impact, because we, as coaches and teachers, hope to lead kids in the right way so they can better themselves in all three aspects… to have a holistic sense of self.” Goens explains his thought process when considering McEntee for the prize, saying, “Who is it that we can look to on our track team who truly embodies what we talk about, not only as a team, but as a school?” and Jill now joins that group of kids about to whom we have said ‘‘thank you’ for doing everything that EA athletics stands for.” 

On the track, McEntee is an “integral part of our middle and long distance team, so much so that she has helped bring the school and the team medals in a variety of races.” When asked about his favorite memory of McEntee, Goens comments, “there are many moments when Jill has done something special in a race, or said just the right words to teammates who need that extra boost in practice… diving for a finish line and breaking her hand, but beating the kid in a race. She is tough and determined and someone who we can turn to.” 

McEntee’s teammates also admire her enthusiasm and selfless commitment.. Mary Grace Konopka ‘21 explains McEntee’s role on the team, explaining that “even after absolutely running her heart out on the course, she is still able to cross the finish line and cheer on her teammates. There is very little Jill won’t do to make anyone happy.” Similar to Konopka’s praises of McEntee, Ashley Lederman ‘21 says, “Jill’s passion for running is apparent in her role as captain. Everyday she comes to the track with energy, despite the cold weather, and encourages everyone on the team to give it their all. She leads with both her words and actions and pushes me and the rest of the team to show up everyday and give it our all.”

Although McEntee is excited for college and what the future holds, as of now, she is trying to enjoy the present and soak up her last season of winter track with her teammates. She comments, “Next year I am going to miss all of my amazing teammates who pushed me through the tough winter conditions and traveling for indoor meets, and above all always made practice the highlight of my day!”