Maeve Martini ’27
Not my Forte ’26
This year, the spring musical is taking a bold and unexpected turn. Theatre Department Chair Daniel Clay has announced that instead of the usual student-led production, he will be performing a one-man version of the iconic Cinderella.

Photo courtesy of Not My Forte ’26
“After the most recent Department meeting,” Clay describes, “we collectively decided that I am just the best fit for each of these roles. Our student talent is really weak this year. Lucia just lost her flair, Fraser’s voice is shot, and don’t get me started on Reid—honestly, it’s like watching a plant wilt before your eyes.”
Jim Erwin, Music Department Chair, further elaborates on what went down in the fateful meeting: “No one was in support. We thought he’d gone insane—the music has gotten to his head.” According to Erwin, however, Clay really pulled a ‘Twelve Angry Men’ on the department. “By the end of the meeting, we were sizing him for glass slippers and calling Dr. Locke to tell him the news.”
As Clay prepares for his big EA Theater stage debut, he is going through all the motions. Former theatergoer Clementine Clifton ’26 testifies “I heard him singing Ten Minutes Ago in the practice rooms the other day—I never knew he could hit those high notes!” Clay responded to Clifton’s comment: “Clem thinks she’s the only one around here who can sing those operatic notes—well, I’ll show her! Wait till the world sees me up there with my sapphire ball gown!”
“I’m really excited,” Clay continues. “I think all of my students are going to be super supportive of this new idea.”
“We are not supportive of this new idea,” says Clifton.
In fact, the student body is up in arms about this new arrangement. Reid Lawler ’26 spearheaded the #SayNayToClay social media campaign, a movement that has taken EA by storm. Students and faculty alike have been standing in solidarity with Lawler and the former EA theater kids, showing their support in the form of Instagram and TikTok posts using the hashtags #SayNayToClay and #NotYourFairyGodmother. Lawler has been hosting rallies during Domino ever since the verdict came out last week.
Despite the backlash, Clay has already stepped into the role of costume designer and has sewed his ball gown, polished his glass slippers, and finished his suit for Prince Charming. He is also currently in the process of constructing the horse-drawn pumpkin carriage and building the set of the castle. Clay has even stopped teaching his Improv classes to dedicate more time to rehearsal and has ordered reluctant members of the Domino Board to take over for him. He has been rehearsing non-stop for his upcoming debut, practicing his lines for his numerous roles, from the dainty Cinderella to motherly fairy godmother to obnoxious stepsister.

Photo courtesy of @eadominoclub
He has even begun to brainstorm ideas for a one-man Hamilton or Wicked production next year as well. Stay tuned for updates on Clay’s new monopoly of EA theater and upcoming performances.