With the school year coming to an end, some seniors are looking to take their athletic talents to the collegiate level. 

According to the Director of College Counseling, Cynthia Crum, 23% of the Class of 2022 will play a sport in college. A Scholium survey was sent to the senior class regarding athletes hoping to play sports in college. Of the survey’s 50 respondents, 58% are playing a sport in college. Out of these, 57.6% of the students playing a sport will be competing at the Division 1 level. 

The soon-to-be collegiate athletes will participate in a diverse collection of sports, including baseball, field hockey, track, and more. The most popular sport was lacrosse, which 11 out of the 37 athletes will play. 

The NCAA, or National Collegiate Athletic Association, has 3 divisions: Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3. 58.8% of respondents will be playing at a Division 1 college, 41.2% will play at a Division 3 college, and no one will play at the Division 2 collegiate level.

Regardless of which division they’re playing in, each athlete has dedicated numerous hours to their sport and should be applauded for their excellence on the sports field. 40.5% of athletes play their sport between 6-12 hours a week while 35.1% state that they practice over 12 hours a week. 

Some of these athletes are already looking to the future, as they want to continue to pursue their sport after college. 21.1% of athletes see themselves playing or being a part of their sport for many years to come, and 23.7% are considering doing so. However, the majority, 55.3%, do not plan to continue their sport after college.