Emily Staid ‘22

Jack Logan ‘24

Adamo DiCarlo ‘24

Michael Woolery ’24 has helped to lead both the boys cross country team and track team with his staggering numbers, leaving competitors in the dust. Woolery’s intense speed places him in the mix with the fastest mile and two-mile runners in the country, running a staggering 4 minute and 20 second mile. He translates his track capabilities to participate in long distance races on the cross country course, where he runs a Five Kilometer race within 17 minutes. In addition to these impressive stats, Woolery represents much more than his speed. 

Beginning his cross country and running career when he was five years old in the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) cross country team. His speed was evident even at this young age, and he joined an official team in the third grade.

Before joining the Episcopal Academy team, he trained alongside his grandfather. “My grandfather was definitely my biggest role model, he was a really big runner and a coach, and has been there throughout my entire life coaching me,” explains Woolery. This long dedication to the sport has paid dividends to his outcomes.

Drawing a connection between racing and school, Woolery says racing feels like a test. He states, “You have to study to get a good grade. Similar to track you have to put that extra work in if you want to win a race.” He continues, “It is nice to know that you are doing more than your competitors so you can beat them and have those accomplishments.”

James Farrell, Head Coach of the Varsity Boys Cross Country Team, recounts one of Woolery’s largest accomplishments, “In the 3200 meter race at Delcos, Michael won the race, finishing with a 59 second last quarter mile.” Woolery says of that moment, “I was tracking this kid for the past couple laps and on the last lap I decided I should just try to kick it home and try to catch them, which I was able to do even though it was super painful.” James Austin ’22, Co-Captain of the Boys Cross Country Team, explains that Woolery is vital to the team’s success in meets, “He is a clutch runner and player and always pulls through at the big moments to win the race.”

“Woolery’s hardworking attitude radiates within the team,” comments teammate Dakin Ebmeyer ’23. Will Konopka ’22, the Boys Cross Country Co-Captain alongside Austin, recounts a favorite moment of Woolery, “He broke his arm while trying to do a backflip on skis. Although this injury sidelined his running for a bit, he made sure to keep building his aerobic abilities by doing other workouts such as biking.” Konopka summarizes, “This story truly exemplifies who Mike Woolery is, and why he’s so great at running. It shows how Mike is a risk-taker and very decisive, but it also shows that when his risks don’t pan out, he’s quick to go back to the drawing board and come back even stronger next time.”

Konopka continues by saying that, “He runs like a swift gazelle, which gives an example of how to run efficiently and smoothly, even though we’re all in a lot of pain.” For the two years Woolery has been on the team, he has accomplished a sub four-and-a-half minute mile time, led the team to a Delco Championship, and brought competitive scoring to championships. 

TIME TO CELEBRATE: Michael Woolery ’24 celebrates after placing 3rd in Nike’s Outdoor Nationals
Courtesy of Dylan Unruh ’24