Gautam Ketkar ‘24

Snacks are back after a grueling year of COVID restrictions! Every activity block, snacks such as fruits, muffins, popcorn, and the Friday classic Philly Soft Pretzels, are placed in the courtyard or lunchroom ready to satisfy hungry students.

For Jack Riley ‘24, the nostalgia of snack time hit home, “It is incredibly difficult to focus on an empty stomach and some mornings, there isn’t enough time to eat a good breakfast. Having a snack after the first period helps me keeps me more engaged throughout the day.” Likewise, Mia Cabral ‘22 states, “The food provided during snack is always a good pick-me-up when I am feeling hungry and tired.” 

The revival of snack time has had great success, but many students are unaware of the logistics behind its return. Since COVID-19’s lasting effects are still a threat, certain aspects of snack time were taken into consideration. Some of the modifications to snack time are that students cannot eat snacks indoors unless they are seated in the cafeteria, and deans are no longer allowed to bring snacks to the lounges. “This year, with the majority of our students vaccinated, we felt more comfortable putting snacks out and letting any student come into the cafeteria,” explains Tanuja Murray, Dean of the Class of ‘24.