Kat Barber ‘23 | Gianna Trala ‘23

Prom will be outside and on campus this year instead of at an exciting site like the Constitution Center or the Aquarium, but the fact that it will happen at all is big news during this pandemic. The combined junior and senior event is also going to be moved to June 10th, after graduation.

PROM POSES: Current seniors take prom pictures together prior to the dance (2019)
Photo Courtesy of the Episcopal Academy Instagram

Michael Letts, Head of Upper School, says that moving the date back makes the administration “feel a little more comfortable, in the sense that if students were to have to go through COVID protocols afterwards, they wouldn’t miss class time, they wouldn’t miss exams, and they wouldn’t miss graduation.” 

There will also be additional safety precautions regarding testing and social distancing. Letts describes EA’s plan: “We do expect to be able to do testing for all juniors and seniors in the lead up to that [the prom]. The dancing may be somewhat limited, but we’re trying to think of other things that could make the evening fun.” 

Letts mentions that he plans to incorporate the juniors and seniors into the decision making process, saying, “We’re going to work with you guys [the students] to figure out what you guys want to do.” Morgan Bramwell ‘21 explains, “Student council specifically isn’t involved that I know of, but Mr. Richards has a prom planning committee set up and a few of us are involved.”

In spite of all these changes, students remain optimistic as they look forward to prom. In general, students are excited for an event that provides them with a sense of normalcy as they get to partake in a traditional high school experience and as a result, are flexible concerning the details of the event. Emily Staid ’22 comments: “I’m just really excited that we get to go, since it’s something I have always looked forward to. I don’t mind that it’s in June because I get that the school wants it to be as safe as possible.”

However, many students, regardless of grade, are concerned about the ability to bring dates who do not attend EA. As of now, the administration has not made a final decision on whether students will be able to bring a date from outside of school. Ella Sundstrom ‘21 says, “People really want to have outside dates. Since this is our only prom, it would be nice to have it be as normal as possible.” 

Even so, many students, namely seniors, are just elated that the dance is happening at all. Bramwell remarks, “During prom, my main goal is to have one last chance to hang out with all my friends and classmates before we all go off our separate ways. Outside of that, I’ll be ok. I think they’re really working hard to try to make it as normal as possible while still being safe, so I’m holding out hope to see how it will all play out.”