This year, chapel has remained an integral part of the EA community despite having to adapt to fit COVID guidelines. However, there have not been many senior speeches, a staple of Upper School chapels throughout the years. Typically, many seniors give a speech reflecting on what they have learned from their time at Episcopal and in their broader life. Chaplain Tim Gavin plans for this tradition to continue this spring for the class of 2021.

CHAPEL CHATS: Sona Bardakjian ’21 delivers the only senior speech of the 2021 graduating class so far
Photo courtesy of Ashley Kennedy.

Chapel has, however, hosted a variety of events this year including guest speakers, musical performances, and reflections from coaches and teachers. Having noticed the lack of senior speeches, the student body wondered if there was a decision to discontinue this aspect of chapel. Mia Cabral’ 22 comments, “I found it odd that there were not as many senior speeches this year, because I always enjoyed hearing the perspectives of the leaders of our community.” Gavin explains, “The seniors who offered to give a speech wanted to deliver their speech in the Spring. As a result, we have a number of students scheduled for the Spring, and we hope to have more seniors commit to giving a speech in chapel this year.” 

It was the uncertainty and stress at the beginning of this year that caused many seniors to opt to give a speech in the spring. Eliza Aldridge 21’ explains, “With everything with school and college applications, people didn’t really have the time to write speeches for chapel, so it wasn’t that they weren’t given the opportunity by the vestry or Father Tim. I know of a couple of people who have started to write, so hopefully we’ll get some in the Spring.”

Moreover, the inability to make any long-term plans due the unpredictability of COVID presents a challenge to planning services. Nevertheless, Gavin remains optimistic about participation and implementation of senior speeches. He comments, “Seniors and students, in general, are always open to the opportunity to give a speech. The vestry and I want seniors to give speeches. We strongly encourage it.”

However, there have also been concerns with pushing senior speeches to the Spring. Vestry member, Evie Aldrige 23’, states, “I think it would get a little redundant if every chapel in the Spring was a senior speech, which it probably would be given that a lot of kids tend to want to do one. Sometimes the ones early in the year can be a little overlooked, but I just think overall it wouldn’t be great.” 

Regardless of timing, senior speeches are still an important rite of passage for the graduating class of the EA Upper School. The speeches give seniors a chance to voice how their experiences in their life and at EA have shaped them into the people they are. Ella Sundstrom 21’ says that “the senior speeches at EA show the courage of the senior standing in the chapel to share personal aspects of their lives with their peers.” The speeches also act as a way to bring the community together. Sundstrom adds, “The speeches have always allowed me to relate myself to the speaker because I know we both went through similar trials and successes as EA students.”