Michael Zhou ’21

AMAZING ARTISTRY: In the gallery from Sept. 30 – Nov. 1, 2019, En Sus Telas, explores the artistry of Guatemalan textiles.
Photo courtesy of Susan Coote

En Sus Telas

September 30th – November 1st

This year’s opening show, a beautiful textile exhibit, consists of Guatemalan pieces on loan to EA by the Friends of the Ixchel Museum (FOIM), a US-based foundation that promotes interest in the Mayan textile tradition of Guatemala and the Ixchel Museum in Guatemala. Shannon and Chase Davis (aunt and uncle of Pepper Claytor ‘23 and Ash Claytor ’33) and Carlos Nottebohm (parent of Nicholas Nottebohm ‘10) are members of the board of FOIM. The textiles displayed in the gallery come from the museum itself. The vibrant textures and cultural history of this exhibit make it a must-see.

Fresh Eyes: Campus views by EA’s Lower School Photography Club 

November 7th – 26th

This photography exhibit will display campus views taken by EA’s Lower School Photography Club. [The photos] are amazing […] like as good as I’ve seen,” remarks Coote. The club includes 4th and 5th graders. On the wall outside of the gallery, Coote plans to have Upper School students display some of their photography to complement the rest of the display.

“Paul Thek” Show

December 16th – 19th

Paul Thek was a well-known artist during the mid 1900s. His works range from paintings and sculptures to more unique installation projects. One such project was a set of questions and icebreakers of sorts. The questions cover a variety of topics, personal or broad, usual or unusual, simple or challenging. Coote plans to display the questions in the gallery, prompting visitors to interact with each other and the exhibit. Coote comments, “They’re really cool and reflective […] they start conversations.”

Animation/film show (Title TBD)

January 6th – 24th

This exhibit will include a selection of films and video projects, mostly in the branch of animation. 

David Sigel’s Class Mural (Title TBD)

February 24th – 28th

In February, Coote plans to display a large mural that will be created by David Sigel’s art classes in the winter. The mural will eventually hang in the orchestra room, but will first be displayed as a gallery exhibition. The mural will incorporate different musical elements and jazz-based themes appealing to young musicians in the community.

Taking a Page Out of Her Book (Working Title)

March 2nd – April 3rd

Holly Brigham, EA parent of Noble Brigham ‘20, will be bringing her work as a professional artist to the school’s gallery by curating a collection of female artists’ books. Artists include Maria Pisano, MaryAnn Miller, and Maureen Cummins. The show will also include several female poets, such as JC Todd. Brigham says, “I am very much looking forward to playing curator and working with Susan Coote and Noble on “Taking a Page Out of Her Book.” The show will delve into the collaborations these artists have with women poets. Noble will be writing a small publication based on interviews of the artists and poets, including MaryAnn Miller, Marilyn Nelson and JC Todd. I see it as a nice way to commemorate the anniversary of women winning the vote in 1920.”

Student work and Dora Khayatt

April 13th – May 8th

The final main exhibition will include student work, as well as the Dora Khayatt art winners’ pieces and projects. In previous years, winners were announced during the Arts Festival in the Campus Center gallery.