Aarushi Singh ‘20

The Community Service Corps organizes an annual Mutt Madness bracket to raise money for the Providence Animal Shelter in Media, PA. Those who wish to participate can either pay ten dollars or donate three used towels to buy a ticket.  

Modelled after typical March Madness brackets, students and faculty have the chance to fill out sheets with predictions for the upcoming National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball tournament. Participants have the opportunity to choose which prize they wish to be considered for, and whichever participant with a bracket closest to the actual outcome of the tournament will win the prize of their choice.

Those interested can purchase tickets  in the honor hall, outside the cafeteria, and in the athletic center. Prizes include a 76ers-related prize, dinner at White Dog Cafe, a Wawa gift card, and cookies from Insomnia. A party will be thrown for the grade with the most participation.

Sejin Park ‘20, a member of the Community Service Corps, appreciates the altruistic spin on the sports tradition. Park says, “While it’s fun to watch basketball and watch one’s bracket succeed or fail, it’s nice to know whether I win or lose, I am able to do good.”