Justin Chen ‘20, Sejin Park ‘20:
A recent rumor regarding the possibility of a second Outward Bound trip for seniors with the same group from their freshman year Outward Bound experience, ultimately replacing senior projects, has been confirmed false by Upper School faculty.
The same groups that once went to Outward Bound with during freshman year would be the same groups in this second trip. Its purpose would have been for seniors to reminisce about memories and experiences they have had as a class the past four years. In addition, it would demonstrate how much each individual has matured since last embarking on the trip during freshman year. It was unknown if this second trip would be mandatory or any other specific details; however, discussion with Upper School faculty have confirmed the rumor to be false.

Photo courtesy of NC Outward Bound
Currently, Outward Bound is a mandatory one-week camping experience that the freshman class is required to attend. Outward Bound has been viewed as an effective way for the new freshman class to form new friendships. Although there has been a mixed response to the trip, the overall view has been positive due to the gained experience and knowledge.
Mike Letts, Head of the Upper School, was asked to elaborate upon the possibility of this rumor. Letts adamantly confirmed it was false, stating, “We are not thinking about sending seniors on Outward Bound.” Letts further states that, “I think some may have said this to joke with the senior class, but I can assure you that this rumor is not true.” Despite this confirmation, the possibility of a second trip intrigued many students and faculty throughout the EA community.

Sam Willis, Form Dean for the VI Form, was asked upon the general consensus of his form about Outward Bound. He says, “I think by and large most students appreciate Outward Bound and do get something out of it. I’ve heard more students say they would go back than students that say they regret going.” He also thinks that there are enough benefits in the trip to go a second time. However, there would be little value in forcing the entire grade to go again, suggesting it could be made a voluntary May Term.
Students generally agree with him. An anonymous senior explained he would go on another Outward Bound trip if they could choose their own groups, saying, “It was a great experience where you could really get to know people going into high school. Being isolated from everything we’re used to at home was a valuable experience that made me appreciate … technology much more.”
However, Christopher D’Ambrosio ‘18, says, “I think one Outward Bound trip is enough. If there was another one, I think it would be cool to try another location.” If there was another trip however, he would like to be in a random group of people. He continues, “I would definitely enjoy going with a group I could choose, however I think it would defeat the purpose which is to bond with new people.”