Pia Singh ‘19, Hannah Pang ‘19: 


Q: Where did you grow up?

A: “North Philadelphia”

Q: When did you start working with EA?

A: “I started working with EA eight years past when it [the new campus] first opened up and it was being built.”

Q: What makes this campus so supportive?

A: “It’s the people, the unity, the understanding. There’s respect, concern, and people care about each other. I’ve never seen a negative incident as far as fighting or words that were not supposed to have been said. I think students respect each other and are completely different from other schools, believe me. The schools I’ve been in I had to fight my way in, all the time. You got bullies everywhere, you got people that wanna pick with you, people that are jealous with you, people that don’t like you. I used to let that get me down but I don’t let it get me down no more. That’s why I come up here- when I come up here I’m happy. It’s a completely different atmosphere. This is my peace, this is my solitude. Every time I come through that front gate I’m happy. I think all the students, the parents know it, the faculty know it, I love every one of them. I’ve never been mistreated since I’ve been here.”

Q: What are some of your outside interests/hobbies?

A: “Electronics. I love fixing TVs, DVRs, CDs, and my main thing is music. I’m learning to play drums. That’s the best way to release- If you’re angry with somebody, just take it out on the drums.”

Q: What do you think is the biggest problem in today’s world?

A: “All the killing and negativity needs to stop. You’re a human being just like I’m a human being. You bleed the same as me, the only thing is your sex is different- that’s all. We need to learn to love each other and respect each other. You have no more than I have. All I wanna do is live. You know, I got the best. The best is life, I got life. And that means more than anything.”

Q: What do you think is the most valuable experience every person should have?

A: “That’s hard… there’s just so much! I would just say beauty and understanding.”

Q: On his special relationships with students:

A: “I have a lot of fans, and I love it! But I’m still gonna be the same. Some people don’t know how to accept – when someone gives them a compliment or award it changes them. But I’m not gonna let anything change me, I’m always gonna be me and remain the same. I got one life, and I’m trying to live it the best of my ability. And that’s straight up. That’s why everyday I see y’all I tell y’all to smile! Problems take you down, but don’t get negative about the problem because even if you took a test and failed it, it pushes you harder to take it next time and pass it.”

Q: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

A: “Butter Pecan”

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: “Cats are my favorite animal, I got four of them! I got Beauty which     is black, I have a calico and her name is Goldie because she has a gold-tipped tail, then you got Prince and he’s a calico, and then you got Lucky, and he’s a tabby. They’re my children.”

Q: Favorite book? 

A: “I just like electronics. And I really like to read anything that’s hard because it’s challenging to me, I don’t like nothing to beat me. I’ve always been that way, I never want anything to beat me. It will bug me all day for real.”

Q: Favorite bands?

A: “Stephanie Mills, New Birth, L.T.D, Funkadelic, Bloodstone…Old Groups that maybe you all know or don’t.”

Q: What’s on your bucket list for the future?

A: “More money!”

Q: What’s one place you would want to travel to?

A: “Paris, they say it’s the city of love and I got a lot of love in my heart.”

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to the EA community?

A: “As far as I’ve seen, EA Students are dynamite to me but the main thing they need to do is stay in them books because they’re the future. And I wish them all the luck in the world, and I ain’t ever been so loved but I’m loved here and I love it! Y’all make me feel so good – the parents, the students – outstanding. If I could give them an award I would. I just feel so good working here!”