Elizabeth Palumbo ‘19, Josephine Buccini ‘21: September’s Artist of the Month is Alexandra Peyton ‘18, who has worked with multiple mediums at the Episcopal Academy. Peyton has taken art classes at Episcopal since Middle School, and art has always been her favorite subject of the day. Currently, she is enrolled in Honors 2D and Honors 3D Design.  She says, “I really love art. I can’t see myself without it.” One of her most memorable experiences with art was when she created a self-portrait in 2D Design. She recalls, “That was a big moment where I actually started liking drawing. I started liking what I was doing when I could capture my likeness.” Peyton appreciates self-portraits because they allow her to express her personality and what she wants her work to stand for. She also feels that her artwork often reflects what happens during her day. For instance, she explains, “If I have a really hard test, my work might be more somber.”

Peyton sees art as one of the best experiences she has had at EA, and she greatly values her teachers and the opportunities presented to her. She says, “I will remember Mr. Sigel and Mrs. Hutchison for the rest of my life. They are amazing teachers, and I don’t know what I would do without them.” Her teachers value Peyton highly in return. David Sigel, Peyton’s Honors 2D Design teacher and advisor, describes Peyton as a “terrific person, talented artist, [and] dedicated student.” He continues, “She has a natural ability and a work ethic to match. So when she puts those two things together her ability to clearly render and develop a piece of art is nothing but the top.” Hilary Hutchison, 3D Design teacher, views Peyton as a “highly motivated, very enthusiastic, and talented” artist. Hutchison also describes Peyton as “very inspired and inspiring.” Not only do Peyton’s teachers recognize her talent and drive, but so do her classmates. Paloma Zozaya ‘18 sees Peyton as a “well rounded artist” who “takes her art very seriously.” Zozaya also believes that Peyton “has a very strong voice in art and has potential to be a legit artist.”

DEDICATION: Alexandra Peyton hard at work. Photo Courtesy of Bryan Yackel

As one of the leaders of Episcopal’s art club, Install-It, Peyton has made a powerful impact on the Episcopal community through her art. She has used her passion to lead several art projects that involve the entire student body and faculty. Peyton designed an installment in the Campus Center art gallery that allowed individuals to put up paper polka dots on the walls, ceiling, and floor of the room. She hopes to create more exhibits that can incorporate everyone at EA, and she has several ideas for the future. Peyton encourages all students to take advantage of the arts. She feels that “the art room is a sanctuary” for her and “should be a sanctuary for all kids.” Peyton believes that “anyone can be an artist,” and she pushes “everyone to go take art classes” because it has the power to change the way people see the world. She says, “It can take your mind off some pressures, but it also enhances the way you see. You really learn to appreciate everything around you.”

In school, Peyton has participated in clubs and classes. However, her work outside of Episcopal is notable as well. She loves making jewelry, sewing, and knitting. She has an internship at Nordstrom that focuses on art. Peyton also demonstrates an interest in fashion. She says, “I think of fashion as another outlet of art … It’s expressing yourself and showing your ideas and thoughts.”

Both teachers and peers recognize Peyton as hardworking, colorful, and creative. David Sigel explains that she “makes art for the love of making art, but with great care and great thought and trust in her own abilities.” Peyton has made outstanding contributions to the Episcopal art program, demonstrating remarkable skill and passion through her years at EA, and she will continue to do so for the remainder of her time here.