Chris Redden ’15: When the chips are down and the team needs someone to turn to, it is easy to see why this month’s Girls’ Athlete of the Month, Madison Soukup ’16, is the perfect person to look to in a crunch. As the number one overall player for a team with a lot of depth, Soukup acts as an anchor, keeping the team relaxed and with their eye on the prize.
However, like any great sports story, Soukup’s road to where she is now did not start off perfectly. When asked about her beginning she replied, “I started playing squash when I was nine. I played with my brothers, I didn’t enjoy it. It was a forced kind of thing.” Luckily despite her tough beginnings with the sport she stuck with it and soon she began to find success. She then added, “I began enjoying it when I started to do travel squash. I was thirteen and I liked the competition and [I] made friends through it. The atmosphere of competing made it better.” From the start Soukup has enjoyed the competition and as a young and developing player it helped her find the motivation she cintinuously shows the EA community today.

Photo Courtesy of Madison Soukup ’16
With this new found love for the game, Soukup began to build upon her skills that have placed her at the helm of a very strong girls Varsity Squash team.
When asked about her number one ranking she lightly brushed it off with a laugh of humility. She was however very excited to speak on the behalf of the team and their success adding, “We won the Inter-ac, made third in the nation at high school nationals, and we won MASA championships. This has been my most successful year and my teams’.” When it comes to Girl’s Varsity Squash there is no shortage of titles. What makes it even better for Soukup is that not only are the girls winning, but they are also having a good time doing it. Soukup claims the team’s success is largely because of their camaraderie. “We have really come together and it makes it even better that we are so close.” When it comes to a game like squash where the team is taxed both mentally and physically throughout the match, it is important that the players stay relaxed and focused always. Soukup is able to balance her own match against the opponent’s best player while also being there for her teammates. As the team knows, Soukup is able to rally her teammates on through a grueling set where every point matters. She noted, “Squash is a huge is mental game it’s really about who succeeds when you’re not on your A game.” This approach to adversity in competition is something all great leaders possess.

Photo Courtesy of The Episcopal Academy Website
Senior co-captain, Alexa Comai, who will go on play collegiate squash at Middlebury College had much to say about Soukup stating, “What makes Madison such an incredible player is her inner drive to succeed.” The 2015 team has been something very special, and a lot of it has to do with Soukup and the teams’ love for the game. Comai expressed, “Madison’s love of the game and contagious spirit encourages the entire team to want to do better.” It is evident Soukup, in her number one spot on the team, sets a standard for everyone else with her attitude and poise. Comai also shared, “Every time she steps on court she not only plays with intensity but also lots of passion.” It is clear to both the players and other students that she is a strong leader of a very successful team.
At the end of a successful year for both JV and Varsity Girls Squash, it is safe to say there are many people who contributed. However, few went above and beyond as junior Madison Soukup did. Entering next season the number one spot and February Girls’ Athlete of the Month is sure to continue her impressive squash career.