James Tang ’18: The black box theater, home to a pulsing bass line, flashing lights, and the ecstatic faces of students on lunch break, hosts the Electronic

Dance Music, or EDM, Club. It provides a place where students can relax and express themselves to the beat of Electronic Dance Music. With faculty advisor Michael Letts, V Form Dean, and student leaders Ryan French ‘16, Billy Hartman ‘16, and Cruce Merchant ‘16,  the EDM Club is a group comprised of people of all grades, personalities, and backgrounds.

During lunch on Tuesdays, French, Hartman, and Merchant set up their DJ equipment and prepare the tracks for the day. Members talk with friends, meet new people, and simply enjoy the music and the break in the day that accompanies it. Attendees are free to experiment with equipment, flicking switches on the mixer and manning the turntables; this enables them to  create their own little spin on the music.

Occasionally, EDM club meetings are held next to the History Department office. Damon Kuzemka, history teacher, said “At first, we had no idea what it was. But once we figured it out, we were fine with it – you know, just a group of kids having fun is all. It was never really a distraction towards me.”

When asked to describe the EDM Club, Merchant explained “It’s a place where we can just get together, listen to music, talk about up-and-coming artists, different genres, things like that. You know, it’s a really great opportunity for people to have fun, connected by their passion for music. It’s been really great to see the outcome, much greater than we expected. Everyone from freshmen to seniors comes out to dance and have a good time.”