Will Phillips ’16, Matt Depillis ’16: The Episcopal Academy Boys Water Polo team hasn’t done as well as they’ve wished in league-play so far, but their recent win over Haverford leaves hope for a victory on EA/Haverford Day. Will Patterson ’16, captain and starting goalie for the team, commented on how their season has been going, stating, “Even though we are 1-2 in the Inter-Ac, we have played some formidable teams such as Malvern Prep and Penn Charter. Those as well as Haverford are our biggest rivals.” The goalie also mentioned, “Teams such as Germantown Academy and Haverford are physical games, we know that, and we are prepared for it.” To give more background on the squad’s season, he added, “Our team attended the ‘Beast of the East’ tournament and reached the semi-finals, so we have seen success and look to have more when we contend our archrival Haverford.”
STONE WALL PATTERSON: Goalie Will Patterson ’16 proves his effectiveness in the net during a match. Photo Courtesy of Will Patterson ’15
As Patterson described their season, he talked about their strategy for winning. “We need to press the perimeter and force bad shots. We also need to prevent the other team from passing to their set player.” The set player is the team member that sits in front of the opposing net while the rest of his teammates form a semicircle around the goal. “Passing to the set player gives a better chance to score,” Patterson confirmed. Among listing what they need to succeed this season, Patterson also indicated what players tend to look out for. “Jacob Sustersic has really improved as a set player. Ben Baturka is also a very fast sprinter in the water and can get up and down the pool very quickly, which is a key element to our squad.” The goalie then mentioned, “One of the best shooters on our team is Junior George Maltby, and he has a fantastic perimeter shot.” He then assured, “These standouts are what make our team what we are and make the difference in games.”
Patterson continued, “One of the most important things on our mind is EA/Haverford Day.” He and the rest of the team feel confident and prepared. He then said, “Coach Kelly has done a great job preparing us.” The competition will be tough, but it’s going to be a close and intense game. Lastly, Patterson summed it up as he recalled, “Our goals for the season are to beat Haverford and to do well in Easterns, a tournament later in the season.” Just coming off of a big win against The Haverford School, the EA Water Polo team has a bright rest of the season and has confidence that they will live up to their goals.