The football team came away with a thrilling victory tonight over a strong Lawrenceville squad. The contest was tight and hard-fought throughout, with neither team taking a lead more than a touchdown. It began with a huge, 80 yard kickoff-return by Episcopal Sophmore CJ McAnally, but Lawrenceville drove right back down the field, tying the game up at 7. It was clear, from that point on it was going to be a dog-fight. When it came down to crunch time, with the teams deadlocked at 28 apiece, Episcopal had the edge. Zahir Caldwell began the late game push with an interception on 3rd down with under two minutes left. The normally quiet Caldwell, erupted on the sidelines as his teammates celebrated his great play. On the subsequent play, Christian Feliziani found a seam in the defense and Whayland hit him with the deep ball. It was 1st and Goal, Churchmen, with under a minute to play. With :22 left Dee Barlee punched it in for the touchdown. Episcopal shut down Lawrenceville in the closing seconds, as Senior Mike Joloaso picked off Lawrenceville Quarterback, Nick Duncan. It was a stunning performance by the team, and a perfect way to head into the Inter-Ac season. Go Churchmen!