How do I get an upperclassman to notice me?
Perry: “Throw them a like on Instagram.”
Who is a teacher you would want to hang out with?
Perry: “Mr. Maier and Mr. Zanky.”

What do you think of when you see:
freshman- “A herd of bison running around aimlessly.” -Sabrina
Seniors- “Slow motion walking, tuxes, and doves… lots of doves.” -Perry
yEAt- “Clever, but does not make sense to anything relating to Episcopal.” -Sabrina
Haverford- “The look on their faces when we beat them two years ago in football on EA Haverford day.” -Perry
Agnes Irwin- “What’s Agnes Irwin? -Sabrina
Where is it acceptable for me to park?
Sabrina: “The athletic center lot, tennis pavilion, and baseball field lot are all fine spots. The most prime spot of all though is Dr. Locke’s driveway. NEVER at the campus center lot.”
What is the best way to avoid homework?
Perry: “Watch Game of Thrones on Netflix, while eating out of a jar of Nutella. Time should pass fast.”
Feel free to submit questions for the next issue!