Alexander Roker ’16, Billy Hartman ’16: In a world where sports like basketball, football, and baseball are often glamorized, we tend to overlook the game of golf. Unlike other sports, where players can rely on athleticism and strength, golf comes down to resilience, patience, and focus. These attributes are what Victoria Johnson ’14 loves most about the game.  “Golf is different than any other sport because it requires a variety of skills. In order to be a competitive player you must be prepared to take on any shot that you come across. I really like a challenge, so it is this continuous battle against the course that makes me love the game so much.”

FOUR!: Victoria Johnson ’14 is excited to start her campaign this spring when the snow clears.
Photo Courtesy of Victoria Johnson ’14

The competition, not only against your opponents, but also against the course and yourself, is what makes golf such a unique yet frustrating +3game, especially in the beginning of an aspiring golfer’s career.  When her dad introduced her to the game at age seven, Johnson admitted that it was very frustrating at first, and as a result it took her a long time to begin enjoying it.

However, her interest in the game intensified when the AT&T National PGA Tournament was held at Aronimink Golf Club, Johnson’s home club. “I volunteered [at Aronimink] and was lucky enough to work for a few players on the course. This experience really inspired me to become a more serious player and try out for the golf team in the spring.” Following this experience, Johnson decided to begin her competitive golf career as a freshman. During the summer, Johnson prepares for the season by practicing at Aronimink for 20-30 hours a week. She also noted that she competes for the Junior Interclub Team.

Co-captain for the second straight year, Johnson has extremely high hopes for this upcoming season, saying, “I truly believe that this season will be the best season the girls’ golf team has ever experienced. We will definitely be tough competition in the Inter-Ac.” With a senior-heavy squad and plenty of depth, Johnson and the team have a chance to do something that has never been done in EA history: win an Inter-Ac title.

Johnson believes she has learned what it takes to be a leader and motivate her team, explaining, “This year I will be able to continue to do this with my co-captain Ashley Mauch [’14]. We are working together to prepare the team for a successful season by working out in the fitness center everyday while the snow is still on the ground. Then Ashley and I are getting ready to make the most of the team’s spring break trip to a golf school in Florida so we can confidently compete in matches when they start in April.” Primed for a great season, Victoria Johnson ’14 will be the leader of a very strong squad this year with her eyes set on winning the Inter-Ac.