Sammi Ciardi ’15: Brittany Belo 14’ is not only an extraordinary athlete and a standout student but also a fashion expert. She runs her own fashion blog,, where she posts her own videos, creations, and text posts. When asked the age at which she became interested in fashion, Brittany exuberantly replied, “Birth!” She continued, “I’ve just always liked fashion for some reason…I feel like style and art have always been a part of me and style and art together make fashion, so I guess knowing that has always fueled me to love it.”

When asked about her fashion role model growing up, she replied, “I don’t think growing up I had one because I honestly didn’t start researching it until the last year or two.  I just always knew I liked fashion, and I was like ‘I should probably know what I’m talking about.’” Now, Belo says her greatest inspiration is probably Alexander Wang.

“POSIBILITI”: Brittany Belo ’14, a lifelong fashion lover, now has her own style blog at
Photo courtesy of Brittany Belo ’14

Belo created her blog to share fashion, music, film and her own personal work.  When asked why she felt a blog was the best way to express herself, Belo explained, “I saw people doing it and I was like ‘Oh that’s cool.’  I had a Tumblr at first and I would upload my pictures onto Tumblr, but when you upload your pictures, you can’t really see it and explain it, so I found this one blog and it had a lot of DIYs [do it yourselves] and stuff.  It was really cool, so I was like ‘I want to try that.’  So I tried it last year.  At first it didn’t work because I didn’t stick with it, and then I started a vlog and it just didn’t work out.  Then I restarted it around the beginning of this year or the end of 2013, and it’s worked a lot better.”

Belo’s blog contains pictures of outfits, opinions on fashion and style, and her own personal sketches, photographs and drawings.  When asked whether she preferred creating her own work or enjoying others, Belo replied, “both because I think the reason why my vlog didn’t work was because I was focusing on myself, and I think it’s good to focus on yourself, but where I am right now I’m still like ‘I don’t know everything,’ and I’m not constantly creating things because I have school and I’m busy.   Now what I do is a mixture of my work, and also a mixture of my opinions on other people’s work.  I think before, when I was doing strictly fashion, it was just kind of hard.”

The site’s homepage contains the “manifesto” of Belo’s blog, which expresses Belo’s goal for her website.  She concludes it with: “As I share with you the inner-workings of the jumbled-up bowl of thoughts, interests, and images that create my brain, I hope that it will inspire you to go out and create things. Things that you love and want to share with the world too.”