STUNNING VIEWS: Reilly Dugery ’15 and Jane Crager ’15 hiked around the Canary Islands.
Photo Courtesy of Reilly Dugery ’15

We completely immersed ourselves in the Gran Canarian culture and this ia the reason why our J-Term was so special.  There were a few differences between our culture and the Spanish one to which we were introduced. There is very little crime, which was a bit of a culture shock. In Spain we were able to walk around in the city with almost no worries. We formed a very special bond within our EA/Canterbury School group of about twenty-four people. We all became close, like a little family and these relationships will last a lifetime. The emotional connection was summed up when Tomas Garcia, Max Kane’s ’14 exchange host cried at the airport when it was time to go. Everybody fought back tears, even our teachers.  The experience was made because of the people. We did not start out as the best of friends, but we all became much closer. Callan O’Rourke ’16 and Mike Lee ’14 formed a little “bromance.” I loved the food; there were so many things I have never heard of that I tried. The students at the school were extremely nice. They could not wait to talk to us and ask if we were American. Children I had never met would give me high fives, and thumbs ups! We were all invited back to return in the summer. – Brendan DeVoue ’14