John Flynn ’14: There are special bonds made when you are teammates with someone. They become part of your family; you have your brother’s or sister’s back and they have yours. But what if your brother or sister becomes your teammate? You no longer view each other as the older or the younger sibling. They become equals, mutual respect. This is a rare opportunity that not many can experience. The Felizianis, Manleys and Quinlans shed some light of life with their sibling as teammates.

Anthony Feliziani ’14 and Christian Feliziani ’16 have been key contributors to the successful churchman football campaign so far this year. Anthony said he likes the chemistry that he and his brother have on the field. “Knowing that your brother has your back is cool and not everybody gets that experience,” Anthony said. They played on the same team a few times in youth football, and Anthony said it’s been a fun experience every time. His favorite memory of playing with Christian was this year’s game against Caravel, a huge game that Christian really shined in. He added that Christian’s touchdown against Father Judge is a great memory, because “I got to celebrate with my brother in end zone, which was unforgettable.” Overall, Anthony said Christian is a great teammate and described him as a confident and tough player as well as a leader on the field.

Twin brothers Michael and Ryan Quinlan ’14 have been running together for a long time. This year, they are co-captains of the cross country team. Interestingly enough Ryan said that they do not run together outside of school. He did say, however, that it’s nice to be so close to his co-captain. He laughed when asked who was after but said that for the past two years. Ryan said “I’m very excited for EA Haverford day this year and my last race and I’m sure it will be a great memory alongside Michael.”

Meredith Manley ’14 and Meghan Manley ’16 have grown closer on and off to field while playing alongside one another on EA’s soccer team. Although they had always played for fun and juggled together in the backyard as most siblings do, they never played with another until two years ago. Meredith admitted, “I really do like playing with Meghan. If there is anyone I can count on to truly leave everything she has out on the field, it’s Meghan. I may be hard on her at times, but I love her to death!” Meredith and Meghan are both key contributors to EA’s success, and they are cherishing the last few games they have together before Meredith heads off to Amherst College next year. Meredith shared her favorite memory playing with Meghan, “We were playing against Notre Dame at home. I crossed a ball far post to her and she was able to get on the end of it and bury it! Following the goal we ran into each other’s arm.”
Watch out for these sibling teammates, as they play with one another for the last time on EA/Haverford/AIS weekend.