Connor Martin ’14:
Dear EA Students,
I hope that all of you are as excited
for this school year as I am. I want to personally welcome all of those who are new to our EA family, and I wish you all the best of luck as you make your transition. Every new year here at Episcopal brings a lot of opportunity and uncertainty, so take advantage and reach out of your comfort zone. This year in particular is unique with the arrival of a new administration and many new faculty members, so please seek out new mentors and build new relationships. Let us continue to stay true to our EA traditions and values, but at the same time realize that it is essential to be open to change.
Over this past year, we have all been witnesses to the unbelievable care and compassion within our community. Through tragedy and misfortune, we have persevered and become closer together than ever be- fore. Cherish your time here and enter this year with optimism and positivity. Realize how lucky you are to be a part of EA and leave with no regrets.
As a council, we will plan and run many events throughout the year. I hope that you all get good use out of your “Welcome Back” pens and that you have enjoyed some refreshing Rita’s water ice at lunch your first week back. Next, we will host the club fair and I encour- age you to take full advantage of it.
Rather than joining things to build up your college resume, seek out activi- ties and clubs that you truly care about. Freshmen elec- tions will then be held later in September, along with a student council fashion show intended to clarify our dress code and its rules.
Perhaps our biggest duty and the most exciting part of our year is Spirit Week, an entire week aimed to build school camaraderie and en- thusiasm. Through funny dress down days and the friendly competitions that we run throughout the week, school spirit reaches an all time high. This all precedes undoubtedly the best week- end of the year, EA/Haver- ford/AIS weekend. This year, we are fortunate enough to be hosting all of the com- petitions on our campus.
Aside from all of these bigger events, student coun- cil also does a lot of small things that sometimes go un- noticed. In addition to over- seeing events like the toy drive, representatives of stu- dent council from each grade plan class trips and events.
I want to conclude by strongly encouraging any stu- dents or faculty members to come to our meetings with suggestions or complaints on Days 4 and 10 during Activity. I say this because we want to give everyone in the commu- nity the chance to have their voice heard, and we feel that it would potentially help us become better representatives of our school. Thank you and have a fantastic school year.