Mimi McCann ’13: Sam French, Episcopal Academy class of 1994, was nominated for an Oscar in the category of “short film, live action” for his renowned film “Buzkashi Boys.” French co-wrote and directed the film through Development Pictures, a production company based in Kubal which he cofounded.
The film tells the tale of two young boys, one a blacksmith’s son and the other a beggar, growing up in modern day Afghanistan. The boys live in the slums of Kabul and travel to see a Buzkashi match. Buzkashi is the Afghan national sport and is essentially a game of polo but instead of using a polo ball, players use a dead goat. The boys look to the Buzkashi players as role models, and dream of growing up to play Buzkashi.
Mary French, Sam French’s mother, showed the film to a Foundations of Art class during the fall semester. Susan Coote, parent of Episcopal alumni and benefactor of Development Pictures projects, was present at this viewing.
Coote recalled, “Sam studied film at USC and has been living in Kabul, trying to support a growing filmmaking industry in Afghanistan.”
rench seeks to help the Afghani film industry through Development Pictures. On the Development Pictures website, the organization is described as “an award-winning and multi-media production company which works with news and aid organizations in the developing world to tell unique and compelling narratives.” “Buzkashi Boys” does just this, by offering a glimpse into the lives of the children coming of age in a country at war.
Coote explained, “[Sam French’s] goal [in creating Development Pictures] is for the local people of Kabul to start their own filmmaking industry.” French hired many Kabul locals, including the two boys starring in the film, to work on the film, both on screen and behind the camera. Coote noted, “When you understand the back-story of these boys, it makes it even more interesting.”
Of the two boys starring in the film, one is a professional actor and the other is a “real street kid,” according to Coote.
Coote stated, “There was a crowd-sourcing effort to make sure that the two boys [starring in the film] would be able to go to Los Angeles to attend the Oscars.”
This effort was successful, and the boys both attended the 85th Academy Awards on Sunday February 24th.