Featured Athlete: Pat Sernyak ’12 (Video)
Meghan McManus ’15 and Mackenzie Hahn ’15
The Episcopal Academy
Meghan McManus ’15 and Mackenzie Hahn ’15
Curran Reilly ’13 and Megan Kicullen’13 This year, the Upper School Science Department removed Earth and Life from EA’s curriculum. Previously, freshmen were placed in Earth and Life or Biology, according to either academic standing in Math and Science in […]
Ryan Quinlan ’14 Although vaccines have provided extremely successfully in decreasing the amounts of vaccine-preventable diseases, the safety of vaccinations for children has been a topic of debate throughout the scientific and medical communities. According to the Center for Disease […]
Tony Radcliff ’14 This academic year, The Episcopal Academy has acquired 11 new SMART Boards, funded by an Innovation Grant and the technology budget, in order to increase and facilitate interactive learning at Episcopal. Episcopal distributed the SMART Board SB260 […]
Chester Thai ’14, Matthew Robinson ’14, and Rojan Ravishankar ’14 “A world-class education is the single most important factor in determining not just whether our kids can compete for the best jobs but whether America can out-compete countries around the world”, said […]
Marissa Moyer ’12 President Obama promised Americans citizens change in his campaign and election, but so far his “change” has negatively impacted our economy and U.S. citizens. Forbes Magazine declares that, economically, “Obama is the worst president of the past […]
Michael Smerconish ’14 and Rohan Rajagopalan ’14 Barrack Hussein Obama: everything about the man, down to his name, divides the nation into separate camps. The President has come under tremendous pressure to fix an ailing economy and has been criticized […]
Katie Howlin ’12 This year, one of Episcopal’s foreign exchange students is bringing more to the school community than international experiences and culture. Georgia Wassall, Australian exchange student and member of the V Form is bringing her athletic prowess to […]
Richard Palazzese ’14 and Dean Avgerinos ’12 Typically, at Episcopal it is the seniors who take on leadership roles, especially on the playing field as team captains. Yet this is not the case for the golf team as Alex Dupre […]
Marian Prim ’12 The end of October is one of the most awkward times of the year for teens everywhere. While all the kiddies excitedly grab their Firefly catalogs, unable to decide between an Egyptian princess and a McDonald’s Cheeseburger, […]